Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you very much for your willingness to provide help for the flood victims!
Before submitting your assistance, please read the instructions on how to package and label pallets and other cargo.
We inform you that all in-kind donations that donors want to transfer through RARS for the flood victims are verified according to current needs.
Instructions for preparing goods for donation
Instructions on how to prepare goods for donation.
Pallets should have standard dimensions of 1200 x 800 mm and should not be taller than 1800 mm.
Each pallet should be labeled with the product category (e.g., water, food, clothing and covering, or other), followed by a complete inventory of the items on that pallet. All information should be legible and placed in accessible locations.
If the items cannot be palletized (oversized or bulky items), please provide the weight and dimensions. The items should be packed in such a way that loading and unloading can be done safely, without requiring extensive equipment, personnel, or time.
Please note that the shortest expiration date for donated items is 3 months. Additionally, RARS does not handle in-kind donations of food that require a cold chain.